Themed trails and nature adventure trails

Our slogan “shaping nature experience” is more to us than just an advertising message.
It describes our motivation to create natural experiences with an unforgettable factor.
Forest bathing is trendy, but a walk alone no longer lures children away from their smartphone or monitor.
This requires real experiences and wild adventures!

A child looks through a stationary telescope
Visitors to a themed trail on a large wooden swing

Based on our extensive, worldwide experience, we will also develop an individual concept for your project with a regional, historical or natural history reference. Our focus is on intelligent interaction: at stations that challenge visitors by promoting balance, testing climbing skills, appealing to the sense of touch or imparting knowledge.

Natural, regional types of wood such as robinia and larch, from which the elements are constructed, ensure a harmonious overall experience. We completely dispense with concrete foundations and instead use flexible screw foundations, which can be removed again sustainably and without the use of heavy machinery.


  • Unique USP adapted to local or historical circumstances
  • Accessible for all ages
  • Family attraction
  • No personnel expenses
  • Interactions compliant with the playground norm
Visitors to a themed trail stand in front of a wooden information board

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Maybe you would like to walk the Glasiusweg with your family or friends. Then you can find the track here:

Thats what our customers say:

Dear Cambium team,

I would like to thank you very much for the successful conception and the impressive structural implementation of our new “Glasiusweg”. It was a real stroke of luck for the three towns of Leutkirch, Isny and Buchenberg that you win the realization competition.

Our unique theme trail tells exciting stories from the time of the glassmakers at 16 stations and leads through the beautiful nature of the Eschach Valley in a playful and informative way – that not only little eyes will shine!

With a wealth of ideas, enormous craftsmanship, a feeling for the wonderful natural building material wood and a lot of attention to detail, you have created our new and unique experiential education trail.

Many thanks for your special commitment

Hans-Joerg Henle

Mayor of Leutkirch im Allgäu

Have we aroused your curiosity?

Get in touch with us!

We would be happy to visit you and develop a vision for your destination together with you.

+49 7567 1826366

Mo-Fr 9:00-16:00 Uhr
Other dates by arrangement

Cambium GmbH
Schmidsfelden 19
88299 Leutkirch im Allgäu