
Do you already know Snorgel? 

Or twin will? Have you ever heard of him? No? 

But you know our Glasius, don’t you? 

Well, then it’s about time! These are just a few of the protagonists of the themings and adventure trails planned and implemented by us! All safe in the Allgäu 😊 

In the more than ten years that we have now been developping nature experience facilities such as climbing forests around the world, a lot has happened in the industry – simply stretching ropes between trees is no longer sufficient. Another development is that we are involved in projects earlier and earlier, often even before the conception phase. It was therefore only the next logical step for us to offer the skills in staging climbing facilities that we had built up over time as our own service. 

What we want: to amaze the visitors, to make their eyes shine. A little grin on your face when you fall asleep and create pleasant thoughts through our experiences that accompany you when you fall asleep in sweet dreams! So enter the world of Cambium Themings! 

Visitors to a themed trail stand in front of a wooden information board
Visitors to a themed trail on a large wooden swing

Your guests can “visit your climbing forest” or talk about Snorgel’s magic forest and what they discovered! You can walk a “treetop path” or immerse yourself in another world from an unforgettable evening in perfectly illuminated light. Shaping nature experience – We strengthen what is already there into a holistic concept towards an inner experience! 

The theming concept can be equipped with the following components: 

  • Complete storytelling for your facility 
  • Night lights 
  • Redesign of key elements 
  • or do you want a completely new idea, we can deliver that too! 

The advantages: 

  • Individual concepts adapted to your CI with integration of local history or events. 
  • Natural design with honest building culture and no plastic facades. 
  • Many years of experience in sustainable construction techniques from mounting on the tree to screw foundations. 
  • Detailed 3D conception for maximum planning security. 
  • Existing systems can be upgraded with a theming so that the impression of a new system is created. 
A child looks through a stationary telescope

Thats what our customers say: 

Markus Stender – Weitblick Naturerlebnis GmbH – adventure parcs in Darmstadt and Wiesbaden: 

The theming concept of the Räuber Zwillewille, which is individually tailored to our climbing forests, is extremely appealing and very well thought out. Every detail has been designed with care and harmonises perfectly with each other. The special “aesthetics” of robinia wild wood, especially in the customer reception areas (huts, entrances, portals, seating areas, etc.) and also individual climbing elements in the course, gives the entire environment a fresh and inviting character. The redesign has really had a positive impact on the atmosphere and the climbing experience – and this is something we regularly hear from our guests. Kudos to the team for their creative vision and successful implementation! 


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Have we aroused your curiosity?

Get in touch with us!

We would be happy to visit you and develop a vision for your destination together with you.

+49 7567 1826366

Mo-Fr 9:00-16:00 Uhr
Other dates by arrangement

Cambium GmbH
Schmidsfelden 19
88299 Leutkirch im Allgäu